During a facial acupuncture treatment in Singapore, you will lie down comfortably and thin needles will be gently inserted into specific points on your face and potentially other body parts. After a period of relaxation, which is about 20 minutes, the needles will be removed, and your acupuncturist will provide post-treatment guidance. Consult Sin Kang TCM today for more information.
The sensation experienced during facial acupuncture is often compared to a mosquito bite, which is hardly noticeable and nearly painless. This is because the facial acupuncture needles are ultra-fine, with width ranging from 0.12mm – 0.18mm (33-36 gauge). In fact, many of our customers in Singapore reported feeling soothed and relaxed. Occasionally, temporary worsening of symptoms, bruising, muscle twitching, and mild soreness may occur, but they usually subside rapidly or can be addressed by your physician.
Sin Kang TCM recommends that our customers in Singapore undergo a series of three or more facial acupuncture sessions, along with regular follow-up sessions, to maintain the desired effects. This approach ensures optimal anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation outcomes for our customers as well as long-lasting benefits for overall skin health.
Facial acupuncture can be combined with other skincare treatments or procedures in Singapore. In fact, facial acupuncture is often combined with Gua Sha facial or Bojin to achieve a synergistic effect. However, it’s important to first consult with your TCM acupuncturist to ensure the compatibility of your chosen procedure with your acupuncture treatment plan.
Facial acupuncture is generally suitable for most skin types and conditions. At Sin Kang TCM, our acupuncturists in Singapore will assess your skin condition before determining the most appropriate treatment plan. However, treatments for individuals with severe acne may primarily target acupuncture points on the body rather than the face.
With consistent maintenance treatments, the results of facial acupuncture can potentially last for several years. To achieve optimal and long-lasting effects, it is recommended to schedule maintenance treatments with Sin Kang TCM’s practitioners in Singapore every four to eight weeks. This regularity ensures the best possible outcome for your skin.
As facial acupuncture sessions primarily aim to promote the movement of Qi and blood, it is not recommended for individuals in Singapore who are:
- Are pregnant
- Have high blood pressure
- Tend to bleed or bruise easily
- Experiencing a headache or migraine
Additionally, to avoid increasing your risk of conditions such as bruising and sensitivity, you are advised to wait some time before receiving facial acupuncture if you have recently:
- Undergone microdermabrasion or dermabrasion.
- Undergone laser treatments.
- Used chemical peels.
- Used blood thinners.
The treatments offered at Sin Kang TCM range between S$70 and S$200. However, the specific costs for your facial acupuncture treatment vary based on your specific condition, and our physicians can advise you further after your consultation. Book an appointment at our Singapore clinic today to learn more.