During TCM fertility acupuncture, needles will be placed on the lower belly at times. But they will also be utilised on vital spots on the legs, feet, hands, and arms. Additionally, auricular acupuncture points, which are sites on the ear that have a relaxing effect, are also frequently used.
TCM fertility acupuncture in Singapore varies in its effectiveness in helping women achieve natural pregnancy, depending on one’s constitution. Natural conception can be accelerated if the father and the woman undertake lifestyle and dietary modifications. Taking Chinese fertility herbs is recommended as it may help to enhance its efficacy.
Your acupuncturist will customise therapy sessions based on your needs, but one to three appointments per week are usually recommended. After the first session, each session can run for up to an hour, with a 20–40-minute needle session followed by a conversation period to keep your acupuncturist up to date on your response to Chinese acupuncture.
Some people may be able to conceive naturally without the use of invasive surgeries or hormonal medicines if TCM helps with infertility disorders. These fertility conditions include lowering inflammation or increasing blood circulation and reproductive organ functions and they are addressed through the holistic approach TCM adopts to correct underlying imbalances.
Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have claimed that TCM is beneficial in helping them manage this specific women’s health condition. For instance, weekly acupuncture sessions at TCM clinics are observed to improve ovulation, improve BMI, lower LH, oestrogen, and testosterone levels, promote ovulation reaction, and effectively shorten menstrual cycles.
The herb Tribulus(刺蒺藜), which is also used in TCM, can help both male and female fertility. Tribulus may aid in normalising the menses cycle and creating predictable ovulation in women with irregular ovulation, particularly those with PCOS. Speak to Sin Kang TCM’s practitioners in Singapore today to determine the most appropriate herbs and dosage.
TCM treatments for women’s health and fertility are generally considered safe. However, as with all medical treatments, individual sensitivities may pose a risk. Thus, always communicate openly with your TCM practitioner about your medical history, current medications, and any concerns you may have to maximise the safety and effectiveness of your therapy.
It generally takes at least three months for ladies to observe improvements in their health or fertility after starting a TCM treatment. However, the specific duration required for a response to treatment varies based on several factors, such as the individual’s medical condition, overall health, treatment plan, treatment consistency and lifestyle factors.
TCM treatments can be combined with conventional Western medical treatments for addressing women’s health and fertility issues. In fact, this integrative approach may be recommended for the synergistic effect it achieves. Your TCM practitioner in Singapore will be able to provide further advice upon a deeper understanding of your condition.
TCM physicians may examine symptoms in relation to other concurrent symptoms, factors that can modify these symptoms, the information provided by patients and other clinical observations. Pulse diagnosis may also be conducted to identify the most likely pattern of disorders. The information is then utilised to establish a plan for treating women’s health and fertility issues.
Common recommendations for ladies undergoing TCM treatments for women’s health and fertility include:
- Stress management.
- Regular physical activity.
- Getting sufficient and quality sleep.
- Consuming a balanced and nutrient-rich diet.
Nonetheless, consulting with your TCM practitioner before making changes is recommended to ensure they align with your treatment plan and medical considerations.
TCM treatments can be suitable for women with specific health conditions or individuals taking certain medications. However, to ensure you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment for your specific needs and reduce any potential risks, it is recommended that you communicate your medical condition with your TCM practitioner honestly.
One to three weekly visits may be required, and female fertility issues or period cramps TCM treatments may be tailored to align with your menstrual cycle. Your TCM practitioner in Singapore will provide a more concrete treatment frequency and duration with you upon further understanding of your condition during consultation.
The cost of Sin Kang TCM’s therapy options for women’s health and fertility issues vary based on factors such as your required medication and treatment course. Our TCM practitioners will be better positioned to provide an estimation of the costs involved upon a diagnosis of your condition. Visit our clinic for a consultation today.
Sin Kang TCM’s therapies are covered by all insurance policies, including TCM coverage. Nonetheless, confirming the specific terms and conditions, including any limitations or restrictions, with your insurance provider is advisable. For insurance claims, patients are required to undergo a special consultation to obtain an issued diagnosis for insurance filing.