Acupuncture is an efficient therapy for weight loss, but it requires perseverance on the part of the individual. To attain the desired results, at least two to three sessions per week are required. Acupuncture should be used in conjunction with regular exercise and a nutritious diet.
Acupuncture can aid weight reduction by controlling hormone production, increasing metabolism, improving digestion, lowering inflammation, suppressing hunger, reducing water retention, and optimizing other biological systems linked to obesity and weight loss.
Tui Na massage is best for localized slimming in TCM. Though it can be used alone, it is most successful when combined with other therapy methods like acupuncture and cupping.
Acupuncture slimming produces apparent results with few side effects. It aids in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. It lowers hunger, lowering the quantity of energy we consume. At the same time, acupuncture has a metabolic stimulant effect.