There are numerous benefits to bust care treatment, the main ones being: Lymphatic system stimulation, Lactation and breastfeeding, Breast cancer detection
With the help of breast massage, you can ensure that the toxins in your lymphatic system are leaving the premises rather than staying too long.
A 2015 study discovered that breast massage and compression reduced lymphedema-related swelling. Furthermore, a 2017 study found the same thing and used MRI scans to demonstrate that extra lymph fluid was being transferred.
Breast massage may support the lymphatic system’s function even if you don’t have lymphedema.
Breast massage can also encourage increased milk production and help keep the milk ducts clear. In a 2016 study, mothers who massaged their breasts 10 minutes before expressing milk on their own experienced improved lactation and decreased pain.
Breast massages are meant for self-nurturing. If you visit our TCM practitioners, they will massage the breasts in a circular motion, and then move to the armpits and breastbone as well.
All women can benefit from breast massages, and the most to gain would include:
- Lactating women
There’s a growing amount of research suggesting that breast massage may have many benefits for lactating women. For example, in one study, a group of new breastfeeding mothers were given two 30-minute breast massages in the 10 days after giving birth. - Lymphatic system
- Breast cancer detection
- Ease sore muscles
- Breast aesthetics