While facial acupuncture treatment in Singapore can help one achieve the same benefits as a typical facial, such as reduce wrinkles, reduce sagginess and improve general skin complexion, this treatment is not a facial treatment and will not include exfoliation, cleansing or masks.
According to one study, after five sessions of Chinese facial acupuncture, the majority of participants observed benefits. However, results can vary from person to person. Typically, this approach may result in a tightening of the general appearance of the skin by restoring blood flow and aiding to enhance collagen formation at recognised and carefully selected places.
One should also note that facial acupuncture is not the same as acupuncture.
They are different services with different benefits and are also priced differently at various acupuncture clinics.
Regular acupuncture serves to treat chronic issues, pain relief, balances the body and resolves most ailments relating to immunity, discomfort and pain.
On the other hand, facial acupuncture serves to rejuvenate the facial skin and promote anti-ageing effects.
Acupuncture practitioners in Singapore look at your tongue for a reason.
Acupuncturists examine the colour, texture, and coating of your tongue. Furthermore, the form of your tongue can show signs of ill health or the lack thereof.
Chinese acupuncture is believed to provide various beneficial effects on the body. It is thought to stimulate the central nervous system through specific acupuncture sites. As a result, chemicals are released into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These metabolic changes may boost physical and mental well-being by stimulating the body’s natural healing capacities.
Depending on the sort of treatment you require, acupuncture sessions in most Chinese acupuncture centres in Singapore might last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
While acupuncture can cause certain harmful side effects, if you have a knowledgeable, certified TCM acupuncture practitioner who uses sterile needles, the hazards of Chinese acupuncture are minimal.
Moreover, common side effects include soreness, slight bleeding, or bruising at the needle sites. However, these effects will hardly ever cause any pain or health risks and naturally go away after several hours or a few days. With the use of single-use, disposable needles now being the norm in Singapore acupuncture clinics, the risk of infection is very low.
It depends on the individual. Chinese acupuncture is usually well-tolerated without significant discomfort, but some people may experience sensations similar to an ant-bite, soreness, itchiness, or a feeling of heaviness. These sensations are normal and are referred to as “de qi”, indicating the flow of energy inside the body.
Chinese acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed correctly. In reputable acupuncture clinics, the needles used are single-use, sterile and pre-packaged. Therefore, when these standards are adhered to, the risks associated with acupuncture are significantly minimised.
The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. While some people experience dramatic relief right from the first Chinese acupuncture treatment session, others may require more sessions. For complex or long-standing chronic conditions, or for treatments that need to recondition the body, more than one session is often needed. Therefore, an individualised treatment plan that includes the expected number of sessions will be discussed during your initial visit to the acupuncture clinic.