NOTICE: We are closed from 28 - 30 Jan 2025.
We resume operations on 31st Jan 2025.
根据中医执业者道德守则和指南第 4.1.2 节,中医执业者必须保留适当和准确的医疗记录,以确保为患者提供适当的善后护理和服务,其中包括准确识别患者的详细信息。中医诊所也包括在医疗保健提供者之下,他们被允许收集患者的身份证,以根据 PDPA 提供医疗服务。
SIN KANG TCM 注册于 MOH (卫生部) 下的 TCMPB (中医委员会)。
只要您在中医承保范围内,Sin Kang TCM 就可以与所有保险兼容。我们建议您与保险提供者了解确切的条款和条件(例如对您的中医承保额度有任何限制或条件)进行确认。我们的保险理赔政策是所有患者都必须经过医师看诊,并建议您在就诊当中和医师索取诊断证明。我们将不可以 回溯 任何诊断备证明。
根据您的情况,您可能需要推拿或针灸。 如果您不确定自己的病情,我们建议您在进行任何治疗之前先去看医生。
张玲中医 的所有医生都经过认证吗?
是的,所有医生都经过认证。 您可以在我们的诊所或我们的网站上查看他们的资格和证书。
SIN KANG TCM 注册于 MOH (卫生部) 下的 TCMPB (中医委员会)。只要您在中医承保范围内,张玲中医就可以与所有保险兼容。我们建议您与保险提供者了解确切的条款和条件(例如对您的中医承保额度有任何限制或条件)进行确认。我们的保险理赔政策是所有患者都必须经过医师看诊,并建议您在就诊当中和医师索取诊断证明。我们将不可以回溯任何诊断证明。
中医治疗的基本理论之一是关于气的运行,气是一种生命能量,据说它沿着称为经络的通道流动,帮助身体保持健康。 在针灸中,针会刺破皮肤,进入经络上数百个穴位中的任何一个,在这些穴位中可以重新引导气的流动以恢复健康。 治疗,无论是针灸还是草药,据说也可以通过重新平衡阴阳的力量发挥作用。
预订后,请等待我们的工作人员通过电子邮件或 whatsapp 跟您确认您的预约。 如需紧急预约,请改为致电。 我们的详细信息可以在这里找到。
我可以在 张玲中医 获得 CHAS 补贴吗?
张玲中医属于私人的中医机构,并不属于 CHAS 计划的一部分,目前不适用于政府补贴。
张玲中医 有哪些付款方式?
我们接受现金、NETS、信用卡、Paylah、PayNow 、Grab Pay 和 Shopee Pay。
我应该去看医生还是治疗师? 有什么不同?
是的,您可以在预约时向我们要求您理想的医生/治疗师。 您可以从这里查看我们的医生和治疗师简介。
大多数时候,两种治疗方法并不冲突。 中医的基础是提供一种整体方法来解决问题(例如疼痛)和强身健体。 它被认为是自然和整体的,因为它与身体的愈合过程同时进行。 中西医结合通常有助于提高治疗效果。 请务必就您的病情咨询医生以获得专业建议。
Sin Kang TCM is insurance compatible with all insurance as long as you are under coverage for TCM. It will be great if you clarify with your insurance provider on the exact terms and conditions such as any cap or restrictions on your TCM coverage. Our policy for insurance claims is that all patients have to go through consultation and an issued diagnosis/memo is required. Do note to declare your requirements prior to the treatment as we can't backdate the diagnosis.
You will need to schedule a Special Consultation ($30) with our physician in most cases when you want to treat your injuries and file an insurance claim. This will provide you with an Issued Diagnosis that you can use to file an insurance claim. If a re-consultation is required, it will cost $10.
只要您在中医承保范围内,Sin Kang TCM 就可以与所有保险兼容。我们建议您与保险提供者了解确切的条款和条件(例如对您的中医承保额度有任何限制或条件)进行确认。我们的保险理赔政策是所有患者都必须经过医师看诊,并建议您在就诊当中和医师索取诊断证明。我们将不可以 回溯 任何诊断备证明。
Tuina and other treatments (excluding acupuncture) are for wellness purposes and do not come with diagnosis and Diagnosis/memo can only be completed and endorsed by our resident physician. If there was no consultation prior to the treatment, we are unable to issue any diagnosis or memos for tuina treatments (other than acupuncture).
Please note that you will require a consultation with one of our registered physicians prior to your treatment to receive diagnosis.
You may check with your company/ insurance company what are the necessary documents for future claim purposes.
It is not MOH compliant for any TCM Practitioner to write any diagnosis for customers that did not undergo any consultation with our physicians. It is not compliant for us to provide an invoice to include diagnosis, prices and signature too.
We do provide MCs but it depends on whether your company accepts an MC issued by a TCM practitioner.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Muscle Management is done with a combination of Tui Na, Acupuncture, etc, and herbal medication where necessary.
The difference lies in the area of focus. While chiropractic focuses on the spine, osteopathy aims to relieve aches and pains and restore general well-being through examining your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, blood circulation, connective tissues and internal organs. Just like the other discipline, osteopathy uses non-invasive, manual (though not necessarily the same) techniques, to treat the root of the issue and then tap on the body’s natural ability to heal to restore normal body functions.
不同之处在于关注的领域。 整脊疗法侧重于脊柱,而整骨疗法旨在通过检查您的骨骼、关节、肌肉、神经、血液循环、结缔组织和内脏器官来缓解疼痛并恢复整体健康。 就像其他学科一样,整骨疗法使用非侵入性的手动(尽管不一定相同)技术来治疗问题的根源,然后利用身体的自然愈合能力来恢复正常的身体功能。
It's a facial treatment that involves scraping a flat jade or rose quartz stone over the skin in upward strokes to relax stiff muscles and promote tissue drainage. But unlike a traditional Gua Sha massage, it won’t leave bruise-like marks on your face as it’s done with a much lighter hand. Oh, and you can do it yourself at home.
You’ll notice the best results if you do it every day, but since even taking our multivitamins every day is hard enough, experts say two to three times per week will do. And the time of day you add Gua Sha to your routine matters, too. “In the morning, it’s about treating puffiness and energizing the skin, while at night you work more on relaxing the muscles and releasing tight connective tissue,”
Facial Gua Sha is a massage technique designed to relieve tension in the muscles of the face, boost blood circulation, and encourage lymphatic drainage to banish bloat. It helps break up fascia, the connective tissue that hugs muscles but can sometimes interfere with optimal circulation.
It moves lymphatic fluids and breaks down tension in muscles. That means improved blood flow and less puffiness. The increase in circulation is said to up hydration for that coveted youthful glow, and it even helps the skin to naturally purge blemish-causing dirt and oils.
This is a Chinese word that is pronounced as Gwah-Shah is defined in two parts — “Gua” means “scrape” while ‘Sha’ is said to mean “sand” by some people, while others seem to give it “redness of skin”. We could say it is a method of scraping away disease, fever or some type of sickness from the body generally. However, other words for the term “Gua Sha” are skin scraping, spooning, and coining.
GuaSha Massage has been widely used by the ancient Chinese for a really long while now as a folk therapy. In the Ming Dynasty between 1368 and 1644, the procedure was scientifically computed into major medical records. Although the period of the practice of Gua Sha is assumed to be much older, its first computed record dates back to about 700 years ago during the era of the Ming Dynasty.
Historical records on GuaSha date back to the Paleolithic Age. When people fell ill or entered a coma, hands or stones, as well as household materials such as coins or tins, were used to massage parts of their body to help reduce the side effects and symptoms of their illnesses.
In recent years face mask gua sha was rebranded - to be relaxing, meditative, or perhaps luxurious. The treatment started with two condition: sudden rapid collapse of the body due to heatstroke and seasonal diseases like cold virus. Traditional Chinese Medicine was commonly used as long as the Yuan Dynasty if farmers were dying from exhaustion from working under the hot sun. Gua Sha Facial Fusion uses flat grooved tooling made of jade rose crystal and other divinely polished stones to assist manual drain of sluggish lymph, that may cause puffiness and. Facial renewing is a traditional twist to our wellness cycle.
Clinics claim cosmetic acupuncture or 'face acupuncture' benefits can be seen after 10 - 12 sessions. However, patients have claimed to see improvement in their skin as soon as a week or two after their first session.
Cosmetic acupuncture is perfect for aging skin. Since those micro-traumas help your skin produce collagen and elastin, skin will look more filled out and youthful.
Results may last years with regular maintenance treatments. Maintenance treatments are recommended to be done every 4 to 8 weeks for the best results.
The needle used by the facial acupuncture that is applied to your face will cause a positive micro-trauma in your skin. This positive trauma sends signals for your skin to increase the blood flow to the affected areas and naturally produce collagen. The increase in blood and oxygen to your face will not only help your skin repair itself, but many patients have found the treatment to be incredibly relaxing!
Sometimes wrinkles correspond to acupuncture points on the face, which can be needled for their location and not necessarily for their function, "Other times, it's possible to needle the wrinkles themselves to release stagnation, even if they are not on standard acupuncture points."
Cosmetic acupuncture specifically relates to acupuncture for aesthetic purposes.
While facial acupuncture can refer to the treatment of acupuncture points on the face for a variety of health and wellbeing issues, cosmetic acupuncture is acupuncture used for aesthetic reasons.
Generally, doing tuina before cupping treatment helps to relax your muscle and enhance your blood circulation which can help cupping treatment to be performed more effectively.
It will be best to seek our physician for a consultation for a more rounded assessment before cupping and they will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.
Usually, the blood will just be normally let to leak out until it stops naturally, which is usually about 30 to 50 milliliters, but some can be 200 milliliters or more. But it will never more than 5% of the human body in a single treatment. The human body can produce 40 mililitres of blood back in a day, so be assured, this treatment will not affect your health negatively.
通常情况下,血液会一直流出,直到它自然停止,通常约为 30 至 50 毫升,但有些可能是 200 毫升或更多。 但它在一次治疗中永远不会超过人体的 5%。 人体一天可以产生 40 毫升的血液,所以请放心,这种治疗不会对您的健康产生负面影响。
These cupping marks are discoloration of the skin due to broken blood vessels just beneath the skin, much like a bruise. This indicates the level of blood and Qi stagnation, toxin accumulation, or dampness accumulation in your body. The color and pattern of the marks reflect the level of stagnation in that area. Read more here
这些拔罐痕迹是由于皮肤下方的血管破裂而导致的皮肤变色,很像瘀伤。 这表明您体内的血液和气滞,毒素积聚或湿气积聚的程度。 标记的颜色和图案反映了该区域的停滞程度。 在这里阅读更多
In comparison, Acupuncture uses a hair-thin needle to stimulate acupoints whereas Acupressure uses a firm pressure to massage the acupoints.
The needles may appear sharp and scary, but they aren't actually painful. Acupuncture needles are very fine and thin, comparable to a mosquito's bite, which most people don't feel either. As such, most people feel almost no pain when they are inserted!
In fact, most of our customers left feedback saying they found acupuncture very soothing and relaxing. In certain cases, there might be just a tinge of soreness, which is due to the muscles being activated to stimulate blood flow. The soreness usually goes away very quickly.
Acupuncture fees vary according to the complexity of the acupuncture treatment received, for instance single area acupuncture, double area acupuncture and multiple areas/whole body acupuncture.
Depending on the root cause of the issue, there are instances where acupuncture does have an immediate effect to solve the patient’s pain and restore their normal life as soon as possible!
Hardly any blood is lost by acupuncture. The holes made are hardly perceivable, and often painless and will recover quickly after the end of the session
针灸几乎不会流失任何血液。 造成的伤口几乎察觉不到,并且通常是无痛的,并且会在治疗结束后迅速恢复
Acupuncture activates self-healing by stimulating specific areas on the body with small needles that penetrate the skin. Though the needles are exceedingly thin, they occasionally hit small blood vessels, resulting in a mild bruise. These injuries are usually painless. This is normal and the bruise may last several days then disappear entirely. It's uncommon to bruise, but does occur occasionally, depending on the patient.
If bruising occurs, apply a thin piece of potato to the bruised area as you would with a cucumber during a facial.
针灸通过用刺入皮肤的小针刺激身体的特定区域来激活自我修复。 虽然针头非常细,但它们偶尔会击中小血管,导致轻微瘀伤。 这些损伤通常是无痛的。 这是正常现象,瘀伤可能会持续几天,然后完全消失。 瘀伤并不常见,但偶尔会发生,具体取决于患者。